Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Equality Among the Sexes Thesis Proposal

After thinking hard about a topic that I could actually persuade people on, I have come up with gender equality. I have a few specific topics of gender equality that I could cover in my paper: gender equality in romantic relationships, gender equality in performance, and gender equality in the home and in our nation. For me, it is extremely important for everyone to get a equal opportunity. For example, when my family and I make dessert at home, everyone is allotted the same amount of cookies, or whatever it may be, no matter the gender, weight (yes, even if they are fat or not), eating ability, etc. With gender equality, sometimes there should be differences, because men and women are different. That is a fact of nature. So how do we justify what a man should get over a woman, or vice versa? Just the other day, one of my roommates told me that girls who score in intramural soccer games get 2 points instead of the usual one. Is that not sexist or what? Both to men and to women! To men because why do girls get an extra point when they score. To women because that insinuates that women aren't as good as men at soccer!


  1. As a girl, I got annoyed when I read that girls get 2 points instead of one! I agree with you- there's going to be differences between boys and girls and the way society expects them to each behave. It's just the way it is. I think the quest for equality actually brings about more inequality.

  2. Thanks for bringing up this issue! Girls definitely experience prejudice all around. As a former college athlete for a women's sport, I experienced inequality on performance as far as school funding and interest goes. So I definitely sympathize with your topic
