Saturday, January 17, 2015

Alas, Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan

Thomas Lifson, in his article "Alas, Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan", explains how Mitt Romney, if he really did run for president in 2016 again, would not only lose the race, but by even a larger margin than in 2012.

Generalization-Mr. Lifson assumes that people reading this article probably voted for Mitt Romney last term or at least don't want a Democrat in office for the next term.

Analogy-He compares how Mitt Romney could possibly be like Ronald Reagan, if he cleaned up his act.

Sign-If Mitt Romney runs again in 2016, then he will lose even worse than he did in 2012.

Causality-Instead of a Republican president in 2016, we could have Hillary Clinton as our next president.

Authority-He is obviously knowledgeable about the political realm and about how the presidential race functions.

Principle-He admires Mitt Romney as a great presidential candidate and a fine person. For a Republican to win the next race though, it has to be someone better, for the sake of the country.

P.S. I would still vote for Mitt!


  1. Fantastic coverage of the various GASCAP components, they truly brought forth a deeper understanding of the content of the article. I too feel deeply about a Republican regaining office in the next election, perhaps someone even as great as Romney or Reagan, at least in terms of their moral convictions!

  2. Nice, it's clear and concise. I feel like I don't even have to read the article to get the gist of it! I also like that it seems like the author didn't just go for an anti-Romney point-of-view, he is just stating that it would be unwise for him to run again.
