Friday, January 23, 2015

Style Academy...Rocks

The Style Academy videos are a good resource for me because I have always struggled with grammar and writing a fluid paper. I am usually a choppy writer, so I think the Style Academy will help me smooth out my writing. I thought the sentence combining was an interesting technique especially because a lot of beginner writers' problems are using a variety of sentence structure such as complex, compound, and simple sentences. I also liked how imitation was not necessarily a bad thing. Great authors imitated their favorite writers before them. Imitation, liked the narrator said in the video, is a form of flattery. I will try to relate my writings to great authors to enhance my future writings. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Alas, Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan

Thomas Lifson, in his article "Alas, Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan", explains how Mitt Romney, if he really did run for president in 2016 again, would not only lose the race, but by even a larger margin than in 2012.

Generalization-Mr. Lifson assumes that people reading this article probably voted for Mitt Romney last term or at least don't want a Democrat in office for the next term.

Analogy-He compares how Mitt Romney could possibly be like Ronald Reagan, if he cleaned up his act.

Sign-If Mitt Romney runs again in 2016, then he will lose even worse than he did in 2012.

Causality-Instead of a Republican president in 2016, we could have Hillary Clinton as our next president.

Authority-He is obviously knowledgeable about the political realm and about how the presidential race functions.

Principle-He admires Mitt Romney as a great presidential candidate and a fine person. For a Republican to win the next race though, it has to be someone better, for the sake of the country.

P.S. I would still vote for Mitt!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Prepared in a Manner That Never Had Been Known

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint's annual General Conference October session, General Relief Society President Lind K. Burton spoke on preparing for the temple and how preparing for such an event brings temple blessings. 

Generalization-President Burton assumes that everyone listening or reading her talk wants to go to the temple and receive temple blessings.
Analogy-She compares being ready for the temple to the parable of the ten virgins. Five of the virgins were prepared and wise while the other five were foolish and not ready for the coming of the bridegroom.

Sign-If you worthily prepare to enter the temple day by day, drop by drop, then you will be blessed above and beyond both temporally and eternally.
Causality-The more consistent we are in preparing for temple worthiness and blessings, the more at home we will feel when we actually are in the temple.

Authority-President Burton is the General Relief Society President and has been called and set apart as the Relief Society which gives her all the authority and much more on speaking to the women of the Church.
Principle-Going to the temple and preparing for temple attendance is the best thing that a righteous member of the Church can do, so this testimony has tremendous amounts of moral principle to it. Also, between good and evil, this talk represents the most righteous cause of the world.  

Wrestling at Its Finest

I thought Wrestling Dirty Secret was well written. Yes, the beginning was a bit sappy and melodramatic, but it did get the reader's attention. And I also think that you can be a little dramatic, especially when dealing with death. I had a few friends in high school who were on the wrestling team, and I always heard all the crazy workouts and intense regiments they had. The diets some of them did were outrageous. I can easily relate to the article's purpose because I have witnessed some of these dangerous habits that wrestlers take on.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Equality Among the Sexes Thesis Proposal

After thinking hard about a topic that I could actually persuade people on, I have come up with gender equality. I have a few specific topics of gender equality that I could cover in my paper: gender equality in romantic relationships, gender equality in performance, and gender equality in the home and in our nation. For me, it is extremely important for everyone to get a equal opportunity. For example, when my family and I make dessert at home, everyone is allotted the same amount of cookies, or whatever it may be, no matter the gender, weight (yes, even if they are fat or not), eating ability, etc. With gender equality, sometimes there should be differences, because men and women are different. That is a fact of nature. So how do we justify what a man should get over a woman, or vice versa? Just the other day, one of my roommates told me that girls who score in intramural soccer games get 2 points instead of the usual one. Is that not sexist or what? Both to men and to women! To men because why do girls get an extra point when they score. To women because that insinuates that women aren't as good as men at soccer!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ideas, ideas, ideas

Why don't girls love manly men anymore? What happened to big beards, big muscles, and big jaw-lines? Why has fashioned for men turned into tight pants and warm colored shirts? When I think of a man, a real man, I think of a lumberjack. Lumberjacks are the definition of manhood. Tall, full of brawn, muscular build, hard-working, always carrying an axe, etc. In all seriousness, what does society describe as manhood? From a temporal view, I think there are many different perspectives on manhood. But from a higher level of thought, a spiritual side, manhood could be described much differently. Manhood is much more than physical appearance, if that at all. So, why don't girls love manly men anymore? It's because men are becoming the opposite of what the Savior wants His sons of God to become.

“The girl you marry will take a terrible chance on you. … [You] will largely determine the remainder of her life. … 

Ben, you can describe a man in inches, pounds, complexion, or physique. But you measure a man by character, compassion, integrity, tenderness, and principle. Simply stated, the measures of a man are embedded in his heart and soul, not in his physical attributes (see 1 Sam. 16:7). But they can be viewed in conduct and demeanor. The qualities of manhood are so often evident in this thing we call countenance. When Alma queried, “Have ye received his image [meaning the Savior—the true man] in your countenances?” (Alma 5:14), he, my friend, was talking about the attributes of true manhood.

My precious young brothers, may you understand that chastity is the source of virile manhood, the crown of beautiful womanhood, the foundation of a happy home, and the ultimate and perfect standard underlying all spiritual progression.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A wee bit about AWESOMENESS

Hello world! My name's Ian, my friends call me Ginger (or ginge for short). Yes, I am a red head, but an awesome one at that. I'm from Dallas, Texas. You know...the stars at night are big and bright, etc.

My dream has always been to fly jets for either the Air Force or the Navy. Furthermore, after flying jets, I want to apply for a NASA astronaut position. 

I love coin collecting, playing basketball, and making other people happy! My favorite superheroes are Batman and Captain America. I don't have a favorite movie because I have too many favorite movies. One of my favorites is the Fifth Element. 

If I had to pick a T.V. show, it would be either Sherlock, Community, or the Finder. I love old music, which includes 80's pop, classics like Frank Sinatra, etc etc.