English Symposium
Academic Session-Edgar Allen Poe
Jared Pence spoke on how Sherlock Holmes was based off of
Poe’s character Dupin. Dupin has the same emotional isolation as Holmes does
and also the whit and intelligence to solve crimes. Detective Dupin is
efficient and effective because of this lack of emotional connection. Bethanie
Sonnefeld spoke on Poe and the Will, and the debate on whether Poe’s poem
should be read literally or physiologically. She argues that Poe wanted his
poem to be read both literally and physiologically. Much of what was said in the academic session that I went to was way over my head. The speakers, mostly graduate students, have a much higher plane of thought than mine. This made it hard for me to understand and analyze what they were talking about Poe and his writings. If I ever go again, I will read in preparation some of the poems or essays that the speakers will be analyzing.